Enquiry & Prospectus

Our Prospectus Pack provides you with an insight into life as a pupil here at Cheltenham and details of how and when your child might join us. We would also encourage you to come and visit. For children aged between 3 and 13 years old, please contact The Prep School Admissions to arrange a visit. If your child is looking for Year 9 entry or above then you can arrange to come for a Small Group Visit on a Saturday morning, or book a Private Tour.

For parents considering a September entry for their child to Cheltenham Prep, and who are required to give a term’s notice to their current educational establishment, please note the following:

  • Part of the Admissions process includes a Taster Day for the child at Cheltenham Prep.
  • Cheltenham Prep breaks up for Easter on Friday, 28 March. Therefore, any Taster Days must be completed before this date if you require an offer letter before your current educational establishment returns for their Summer Term.

Please complete the form below to download a Prospectus.




The information that you provide within this form will be used to provide you with a Prospectus and to help us guide you through the process of registering your child at Cheltenham College. Please read our Privacy Notice before completing the form. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied.

If you simply wish to speak to one of our Admissions Team, then please call us on 01242 265 600 (for College, ages 13-18 enquiries) or 01242 265 639 (The Prep, ages 3 to 13 enquiries).

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