
The Chapel of St Mary and St George is at the heart of Cheltenham College in every respect.

It is at the centre of College life, and pupils attend Chapel several times a week.  It is also an environment that supports the wellbeing of pupils by providing a peaceful place for reflection and contemplation.

Chapel is a magnificent and iconic piece of architecture that located centrally within the College grounds, and was designed by former pupil Henry Prothero to celebrate College’s 50th anniversary and dedicated in 1896.

Whilst services follow the practices of the Church of England and are led by Anglican clergy, deep respect for other faiths is cultivated at College.

The purpose of morning chapel is the development of the values of justice, peace, love, compassion, forgiveness and integrity. We follow a thematic syllabus which corresponds, in many ways, to the Church calendar but which also facilitates broader reflection and teaching. The chapel talks are given by pupils, members of staff or the chaplains.

Public events, including Choral Evensong and organ recitals by internationally renowned performers, are held in Chapel throughout the year.

The Senior Chaplain is the Reverend Dr Adam Dunning. He joined College from parish ministry and is assisted by the Reverend Dr Adrian Samuel and his wife the Reverend Dr Kerry Samuel. Dr Dunning read Philosophy and Theology at Oxford University and after completing a Ph.D at the University of Birmingham trained for the priesthood at Cambridge University. He is also the College Director of Community, Charity and Partnerships.

College services and recitals are regularly streamed online. Upcoming and past streams can be viewed on the Cheltenham College Chapel Youtube channel here.

Choral Evensong Cheltenham College Chapel

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