Celebrating 2024 Results
Upper Sixth Form Examinations
Following from their examinations, many 2024 leavers have now moved on to further their studies at university. In 2024, top university destinations included; Exeter, Reading, Nottingham, Bristol, Cardiff and UCL.
33 pupils have gone to study Business Management or Marketing, and 18 pupils have gone on to study social sciences including Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology. Other top subjects include; Politics, History, International Relations, Communications, Economics, Sport and Fashion.
Joining Cheltenham College for Sixth Form
In the video below 2024 leaver Bertie talks about his experience joining Cheltenham College for Sixth Form.
Overseas Universities
Sights are set on horizons much further afield for some Upper Sixth Leavers, as Cheltenham College have seen increased interest in higher education overseas in recent years. Supported by a dedicated Higher Education and Careers Department, pupils are encouraged to explore all options available to them following their Cheltenham education. This year in particularly, 16 Upper Sixth Form pupils and five past leavers have received offers for higher education overseas. They have received an impressive, combined total of 44 offers for over 10 different courses including: Medicine, Fashion Design, Life Science, Psychology and Maths. Offers are from over 25 institutions across six countries. There is a further cause for celebration for the 11 pupils that have been offered 18 scholarships and awards.
GCSE Examinations
“We encourage our pupils to excel academically and to build a range of exciting interests and talents alongside that too. As a school, we seek to go beyond expectation in our support to enable pupils to achieve their potential and more.”
Following from completing their GCSE examinations, the majority of the Fifth Form pupils now look forward to continuing their education in Cheltenham College Sixth Form.