We take the responsibility of looking after your child very seriously, and recognise that it can be worrying if your child is unwell when they are away from home. Now more than ever as we transition out of the pandemic, we must be responsive and reactive to each individual situation.
We are open six days a week (excluding Sunday) between 8.00am and 6.00pm, and are trained to manage illness and injuries that may occur to pupils, staff, or visitors as well as to respond to emergency situations. This includes training in the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), of which there are seven across College premises.
The team offer a wide range of services from managing acute medical problems to supporting pupils to manage their own chronic health conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and allergies. We pride ourselves on also offering a safe space for pupils who want to drop in for support or a friendly chat.
Communication is key to supporting your child, so please ensure that your child’s Health Certificate is completed with as much detail as possible. This should include details of any chronic conditions, any past or existing mental health concerns and details of treatments that have been, or are in place.
Our team is involved in both PHSE and the Floreat Programme, providing health promotion and education to pupils. This direct approach helps to establish better links with both House groups and individual pupils. The health and pastoral care teams work together to make sure that pupils are offered excellent health and wellbeing support where necessary, and appropriate referral to other services as required.
During the Rugby and Hockey seasons we employ external, qualified First Aiders, to provide pitch side support.
Local Hospitals
Cheltenham General Hospital (NHS) is extremely convenient and is our main local referral source, although for some procedures admission may be arranged at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. There is a good local private hospital, the Nuffield Cheltenham Hospital to which most private referrals are made. There are times when it would be more appropriate to use hospitals (NHS or private) nearer a patient’s home, for example towards the end of term, and this is something that can quite easily be arranged. We ask that you attend to routine eye examinations and dental services during the holidays, although this can of course be arranged locally if required.