Health Promotion

Our health promotion services cover a range of topics and age appropriate material, across both Cheltenham Prep and College. Topics covered include good hygiene, healthy eating, vaping, cancer awareness, pregnancy choices, consent and relationships. College takes a proactive approach to sexual health, and tries to empower pupils to make positive choices with our support. We are part of Gloucestershire’s participation in the national C-Card Scheme. Details can be found on their website:

Parents are invited to contact the Health Centre at any time to discuss any aspects of the scheme or College’s sexual education policy.

The Nurses also engage in First Aid training for staff and some pupils when the curriculum allows. This may include basic life support, sun safety, what to do in the event of an asthma attack or an epileptic fit. We are keen to develop this further and value the importance of instilling practical skills in pupils that may serve them, or indeed others, well in the future.

The Chadwick Programme at The Prep has a First Aid strand to it, and has given pupils confidence in helping with emergency situations.